Editor: This extract gives us some thoughts on different experiences that Christians have.

It appears to me that although all Christians should have the ability to recognise and comprehend divine manifestations, they do not all do so to the same degree. This may not only depend on the understanding which the Lord gives us on these glorious occasions, but also on the type of persons we are. Some are more sensitive than others, and some are more easily able to discern the presence of divine influences. This must reflect itself in the personal experiences which we have of the Saviour. It was William Guthrie - a famous divine of yesterday - who explained lucidly that although the vast majority of sinners ought to experience a law-work [fear of God, recognition of sin, breaking God's law] in their souls as the Holy Spirit strives with them, before they come to know saving faith, not all pass through this state. There are those who are called from conception, like John the Baptist; those who are brought to Christ in a sovereign way, like Zaccheus; those who leave all behind and follow Christ without reserve, upon hearing a single call from the Master; others who discover salvation - in moments - upon their deathbeds. To make rules in these matters, even though one can see a plain pattern for the vast majority, is to harm the souls of a few. This author ... does not make the mistake of demanding that all believers have one kind of experience; he only intends to show that Christ seeks to manifest Himself spiritually, to every Christian, in one way or another, sooner or later.

From introduction to Christ Manifested, John Fletcher.