Sunday Morning

10:30 AM
Service begins at 10.30am - prayers, hymn singing, Lord's supper, and Pastor's message
also Sunday School for kids
Church hall at rear of
51 Victora Street
Doncaster, VIC 3108

Prayer prior to the service.


Join us for a cup of tea or coffee after the service.


The children are welcome to join in Sunday School.


Sunday Evening

7 PM - 8:15 PM
Prayers, hymn singing, Lord's supper, and Pastor's message
Church hall at rear of
51 Victoria Street
Doncaster, VIC

Zoom broadcast begins at 7.30 PM
Zoom ID: 880 6960 4381
Passcode: 960308


Wednesday Evening

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Zoom ID: 880 6960 4381
Passcode: 960308

Click here for directions!


Fellowship Lunches

Every second month we have a Fellowship lunch. It's a great time to get to know one another.



Fellowship Groups

We've started running Fellowship Groups in various homes each month. There's no set format, but usually we sing some songs, pray, and discuss scriptures. All are welcome. Contact Pastor Adrian or the hosts themselves if you want to know more or want to join us.  

Ben & Jackie - Dandenong North

Sam & Fran - Templestowe

Dave & Bronnie - Lilydale